Impact Of Abnormal Body Water Distribution On Prognostic Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease And Heart Failure Patients


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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Heart Failure share a high morbidity-mortality and increased prevalence among the population. Their coexistence in the same patient may cause an abnormal water distribution by diverse pathologic mechanisms. To evaluate the impact of abnormal body water distribution on prognostic of COPD and HF concomitant patients. Ambispective cohort where 152 patients were enrolled, with a confirmatory diagnosis of COPD, HF, and COPD and HF (44, 34 y 74 respectively).Hydric distribution assessment was performed by Bioelectrical impedance by Vectorial Analyses method (BIVA). Patients with COPD and HF concomitant had a median age of 74.32 [IQR 62.1 - 80.5]which is statistically different between groups, p= 0.014, overall when they were compared with HF patients p=0.009; respect to hydric body composition, abnormal water distribution was observed in thorax area with a higher impedance index (0.850, p=0.01). Also, COPD and HF patients reported a low phase angle compared with the other groups (ºF: 4.9 ± 0.90); and it can observe that patients whose die had a lower ºF than alive patients (ºF 4.48 vs 4.94; p = 0.05). During the 24 months of follow-up occurred 12 dies (HF=2, IC-EPOC=10), 10 of them had clinical oedema (p=0.05); Besides increasing reactance adjusted by height (Xc/H) decreased the death risk in 17.6% (HR=0.85, p=0,02), on the other hand, an increase in diastolic blood pressure increase the death risk (HR=1.01 IC 95 %; p=0.03) and for each unit increase in the percentage of ECW the risk to be hospitalized increase in 6%, p=0.034. Water distribution has important prognostic implications in these patients.
COPD, Comorbidities, Circulation
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