An extension of the Eshelby conjecture to domains of general shape in anti-plane elasticity

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications(2021)

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According to the Eshelby conjecture, an ellipse or ellipsoid is the only shape that induces an interior uniform strain under a uniform far-field loading. We extend the Eshelby conjecture to domains of general shape for anti-plane elasticity. Specifically, we show that for each positive integer N, an inclusion induces an interior uniform strain under a polynomial loading of degree N if and only if the exterior conformal map of the inclusion is a Laurent series of degree N. Furthermore, for the isotropic case, we characterize the shape of an inclusion by only using the first-degree polynomial loading and explicitly solve the interior potential of the inclusion in terms of the Grunsky coefficients.
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Key words
Eshelby conjecture,Anti-plane elasticity,Faber polynomial
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