Effects of rotational and continuous overgrazing on newly assimilated C allocation

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Ouyang Shengnan,Tian Yuqiang,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Zhao Yan,Li Xiaobing,Baoyin Taoge-tao,Kuzyakov Yakov, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Biology and Fertility of Soils(2020)

引用 27|浏览33
In situ 13CO2 pulse labeling was conducted in temperate grasslands, managed by no grazing, rotational, or continuous overgrazing, to trace the allocation pattern and the dynamics of newly assimilated C into the plant-soil system. Forty-eight days after the labeling, the belowground 13C allocations under overgrazing were substantially lower than those under no grazing (55% for no grazing, 29% for rotational grazing, 36% for continuous grazing). Overgrazing reduced the relative amount of C incorporation into soil organic C (SOC). Overgrazing led to more C losses through shoot respiration (23%, 54%, 46% by no, rotational, and continuous grazing, respectively), but fewer losses via soil respiration (33%, 12%, 13% by no, rotational, and continuous grazing, respectively). Continuous grazing produced more C allocation to roots than rotational grazing (12% vs 4%), indicating that plants had stronger root C storage capacity under continuous than rotational grazing. The mean C residence time of the belowground rhizodeposits and C used for root respiration under rotational grazing (2.08 days) was longer than that under no grazing (1.47 days) or continuous grazing (1.37 days). Overgrazing decreased the C stocks in shoots but remained stable in roots. Meanwhile, overgrazing decreased the newly assimilated C allocation to belowground, creating a negative effect on C sequestration. Under overgrazing regimes, continuous grazing is more preferable in the investigated temperate grasslands than rotational grazing for C allocation and sequestration in soil.
13C pulse labeling,Belowground C allocation,Overgrazing,Newly assimilated C,Soil organic matter,Temperate grassland
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