A Scheme for RAID-6 Scaling Based on N-code

2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP)(2020)

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The arrival of the era of big data means that data has an explosive increment of tend. Storage system is important more and more. Enterprise information puts more demands on storage systems. In order to cope with the situation where the storage capacity may face insufficient storage space. The industry generally adopts the scaling the existing RAID storage system to solve the current storage capacity problem. RAID that is a widely used storage system. Because it has high data reliability. Redundant arrays of independent disks has been good expand. Expanding the original storage capacity has become an effective way. The RAID-6 storage system is used by the industry as a commonly RAID scaling storage system. Because RAID-6 has advantages of higher reliability and more convenient addition of disks. Among them, optimizing the migration process and reducing the amount of data migration are also commonly used scaling approaches. This paper proposes a scaling scheme based on N-Code code for RAID-6 storage system-SNC. Through real experimental data, it can be found that SNC scheme can reduce the amount of data migration to satisfy the requirement of minimal data migration. Compared with the Round-Robin scheme, this scheme reduces the amount of data migration of 76.52-88.94% and shortens the total data migration time of 54.5-62.4%.
N-Code,scaling scheme,minimal data migration,RAID-6 storage system
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