Improving Wind Vector Predictions For Modelling Of Atmospheric Dispersion During Seveso-Type Accidents


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In case of a major accident involving airborne emissions of harmful gases, a temporary portable meteorological station may be used to improve atmospheric dispersion modelling (ADM) for protection of people and the environment. While the meteorological station provides signal values in real time, ADM results for the future are of particular interest for planning purposes. It is possible to use the current measured value as a future input to the ADM but it is suboptimal. It is also possible to use model output statistics (MOS) to predict the future local weather information from numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, while available operational NWP models are in general too coarse to be used directly in fine-resolution ADM. MOS models are obtained through machine learning and the training data sets in most traditional uses of MOS are big, which is beneficial for modelling. We envision using MOS in an emergency and for a location of a temporary meteorological station. We use windowing for online data selection to explore its accuracy when the amount of available training data is very limited, which is expected in an emergency situation. We show that MOS for wind vector with 1 day of training data greatly improves on the numerical weather predictions and the persistence model, so its use in such an emergency would be advantageous.
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Gaussian process, Atmospheric dispersion model, Industrial accident, System identification, Online modelling
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