Hif1-Alpha Induced Adrenomedullin Expression Supports Angiogenesis In 3d Leiomyoma Xenografts.


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Cellular responses to hypoxia are critical to homeostasis. In eukaryotes, the primary regulator of angiogenesis is the transcription factor hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α). Hormonally-stimulated human leiomyoma 3D xenografts express HIF1-α protein and undergo in vivo neovascularization. Our objective was to characterize hypoxia regulated genes and HIF-1α regulated angiogenesis in our human leiomyoma cell lines and xenograft model. Laboratory study Leiomyoma and myometrial cells exposed to normal O2 (21%) and low O2 (1%) levels and chemically induced hypoxia with cobalt chloride (CoCl2) for 6 and 24 hours; leiomyoma and myometrial cell protein; 3D leiomyoma and myometrial xenograft tissue from placebo-, estrogen- and progesterone-treated groups; Immunohistochemistry and Western blot analyses Quantitative WB analysis of myometrial cells exposed to hypoxia demonstrate a greater than 3-fold increase (3.35+0.01-fold **p<0.05) in HIF-1α expression at 24 hours in myometrial cells under hypoxic conditions. Conversely, leiomyoma cells show up regulation of HIF-1α expression (1.16+0.004-fold **p<0.01) at 6 hours and 24 hours (1.44+0.05-fold *p=0.05) under normoxic conditions. Adrenomedullin (ADM), a pro-angiogenic protein under HIF-1α transcriptional control, was upregulated in hypoxic myometrial cells at 6 (1.76+/-0.5-fold) and 24 hours (1.28+/- 0.3-fold), compared to normoxic myometrium. Leiomyoma cells show an almost 1.5-fold increased ADM expression under both normoxia and hypoxic conditions at the 6 hour time point. Exposure of myometrial cells to CoCl2 for 24 hours demonstrate a >1.5-fold increase in ADM and a >2-fold increase in the stress inducible protein, sestrin 2. After 24 hours of exposure to CoCl2, leiomyoma cells show a similar increase in ADM expression to that of myometrium at 6 hours, and a >7-fold increase in sestrin 2. IHC results for ADM expression in 3D xenografts show that the estrogen-, estrogen+progesterone and progesterone-treated groups demonstrate intense cytoplasmic/matrix staining for ADM compared to placebo treated groups, particularly under the growth-stimulatory influence of gonadal hormones. Angiogenesis is supported by hypoxia induced, HIF-1α facilitated ADM expression in 3D leiomyoma xenografts.
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