Minimum transmission delay algorithm for multi-hop nodes in Internet of Things based on symmetric algorithm

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing(2020)

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In view of the increase of network information transmission times, the transmission delay of multi hop nodes in the Internet of Things increases, resulting in the decline of network information transmission performance. In order to improve the quality and performance of information transmission, a minimum transmission delay algorithm of multi-hop nodes in the Internet of Things is designed based on symmetric algorithm. In the perception layer of the Internet of Things, based on the revocable symmetric encryption algorithm, the multi-hop nodes in the perception layer are encrypted; The link information transmission delay under the direct transmission, cooperative transmission and multi-hop transmission modes is compared, and the gradient projection algorithm is used to solve the problem of minimizing the delay of multi-hop nodes’ information transmission in the Internet of Things. After calculating the projection matrix and the gradient, the iteration terminates when the steady link traffic and the delay value are obtained. The source node refers to the network node that acts as the source to send the original data packet; the source node uses this algorithm to select the transmission mode with minimum delay, and sends information to the destination node step by step. The simulation test shows that the algorithm can guarantee the security of data transmission of multi-hop nodes in the Internet of Things, and the transmission delay is the minimum.
Symmetric algorithm, Internet of Things, Multi-hop nodes, Gradient projection algorithm, Transmission delay algorithm
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