Control system for alkaline electrolyser focused to enrichment of dual fuel

C. Cedano, V. M. Sanchez-Huerta,G. Becerra,E. Osorio,R. Barbosa, R. Gonzalez-Huerta


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Internal combustion engine vehicles are a key factorin the actual economy and is expected to continue the growth indemand for vehicles using gasoline. Gasoline, like other fossil fuels,is a non-renewable resource whose reserves are constantlydeclining. Due to this reason, to improve the efficiency and toreduce emissions is of great importance for energy reserves andenvironmental protection. There are vehicles with hybrid systems and other technologies that reduce fuel consumption andpollutants generation, however most of the vehicles do not have or they are not compatible with the new technologies. This work proposes to enrich gasoline by adding hydrogen to the mixture of fuel and oxygen in order to improve combustion and reducepollutants. Hydrogen is regarded as a promising alternative fuel for internal combustion engines, which unlike fossil fuels, it can be generated by renewable energy. On the internet there is a set of experiments with alkaline electrolyser, generating oxyhydrogen for fuel enrichment. However, the design and development of a control system, specifically designed for the dynamic performanceof an electrolyser, is not commonly found in the scientificliterature. The main approach of this paper is to design and build a power conditioning stage based on synchronous buck converteris used to provide supply power to an alkaline electrolyzer thatproduces hydrogen and oxygen with up to 99 % purify.
Inductors,Capacitors,Integrated circuit modeling,Pulse width modulation,Petroleum,Hydrogen,Synchronous motors,alkaline electrolyser,dual fuel,control
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