Transmission Expansion Planning Of Large Power Networks Via Constructive Metaheuristics With Security Constraints And Load Uncertainty Analysis


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In this paper, the static transmission expansion planning (TEP) problem is solved for real large electrical networks. Different generation and load scenarios are considered and the "N-1" security criterion is ensured. The solution of the problem is achieved based on a constructive metaheuristic algorithm (CMA-TEP) specially developed for large systems. The proposed method performs a gradual and parallel process of constructing solutions (expansion plans), which incorporates heuristics and procedures generally used by planning engineers. Operational information for the intact network condition and under contingencies is used during the constructive process, to identify reinforcements to be added (most attractive) to or removed (less effective) from the network being set up. Moreover, mechanisms of recombination, perturbation, selection, refinement, and depuration of solutions are also employed during the constructive process. The linear DC network model, including ohmic transmission losses, is used throughout the entire constructive process. The robustness and efficiency of the proposed CMA-TEP method is tested in a configuration of the Brazilian network, considering two hydrological scenarios: dry and humid. Comparisons based on statistical performance indices are also carried out with specialized genetic algorithms.
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Key words
constructive metaheuristics, genetic algorithms, metaheuristics, "N-1" criterion, security criteria, transmission expansion planning
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