Rural Community Perception and Readiness on Urbanization: The Case of Wolaita Sodo Town, Sodo Zurya Wereda (Gandaba and Ofa Seri Kebelles)

Humanities and social sciences(2020)

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This research paper was about the perception and readiness of rural community towards urbanization with the specific objectives of assessing the factors for the rapid expansion of Wolaita Sodo town, the level of understanding of the local people about urbanization and the investigation of the problems faced as a result of urbanization and their readiness to face the inevitable process of urbanization. Both qualitative and quantitative research design were used to obtain relevant data. Observation, interview and questionnaire were the tools employed to gather data. Both purposive for site selection and interview, and simple random sampling (questionnaire) techniques were used in selecting respondents from the study areas. Respondent from Sodo town government officials from the sectors of water supply enterprise, electric power authority, urban development bureau and road authority Sodo branch were selected purposively, whereas the questionnaire was distributed among for 40 members of the two kebelles. The finding are; the existence of unplanned and unmanaged expansion of the town, the low level of satisfaction of the people of the works of the responsible bodies (main about compensation and the distribution of the electricity and road among others), and awareness creation programs (about saving and significance of development for public) should be made by the responsible body are among the way outs to minimize the negative impacts of urbanization.
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