2008P The effect of the use of complex molecular profiling in advanced solid organ tumours on clinical decision: Turkey molecular profiling in advanced cancers trial (TUMPACT)

Annals of Oncology(2020)

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Molecular genetic profiling (MGP) which has started to take an important part in cancer diagnosis and treatment in recent years, has entered the routine clinical practice much faster than expected. We aimed to evaluate the use of this technology in routine practice, the effect of changing the treatment decision. Two hundred and thirty-four patients who received treatment from 21 different centers with OncoDeep MGP platform tests were included, which uses a combination of new generation sequencing (NGS), immunohistochemistry (IHC) and other specific tests (Package Plus). Summary was given in the table. Physician waited for test results in 27% (n=61) of patients for treatment decision. Prior to MGP analysis patients received median 2-lines of treatment. The median time between sending the sample abroad for testing and reaching the result by the physician was 14 days (range:5-71). With the test results, the physician changed the treatment decision in 51.8% of the patients (n=118). The most frequent way of drug supply of patients whose treatment decision were 64.4% (n = 67) from their own budget. When the treatment responses were evaluated, the disease control rate was 31.1% and the drug discontinuation was applied due to toxicity in 4 patients (3.4%). 63.6% (n = 75) of the patients were found to be alive with a median follow-up of 18.0 months. (Table)Table: 2008Pn:234Gender (Male,%)45.3Age (Median, Min-Max)54, 18-90Diagnosis (%)Breast17.5Lung16.2Pacreatic14.5Cholangiocellular carcinoma8.5Comorbities (%)Hypertension26.5Diabetes Mellitus25.5Benign Prostate Hyperplasia4.1Test Request (%)Private Hospital88.0Treatment Line Before Test (%)016.4122.0235.3314.747.354.3Impact on Decision (Yes, %)51.8Decision Change Factor (%)Package Plus59.2NGS40.8Type of Drug Supply After Test (%)Own Budget64.4Social Security19.2Private Health Insurance4.8Off label1.0Could Not Get1.0 Open table in a new tab . The first results of our study show that genetic profiling test is applicable for cancer patients in our country and when it used together with NGS and IHC, it may facilitate the clinical decision of the medical oncologist in routine clinical practice.
molecular profiling,advanced cancers trial,complex molecular profiling,advanced solid organ tumours
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