Diversity of Insect Pollinators in Gozamin District of Amhara Region, Ethiopia

American Journal of BioScience(2020)

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Pollination is one of a valuable ecosystem services in the maintenance of biodiversity and ensures the survival of plant species. Therefore, Insect pollinators’ diversity and their role in the ecosystem are not sufficiently recorded; thus, conducting assessment of their diversity and roles helps to recognize the economic and ecological value of insect pollination, and potential impacts of the loss of insect pollinators. Therefore, the overall aim of this study was to assess and identify insect pollinators’ diversity and frequently visited plant species in cropland and natural habitat of the study area. Transect sampling and direct field observation was used to collect data. The abundance of insect pollinators from the three study sites were sampled systematically using two transects one along the Shrubland and the other on farmland habitat. A total of 60 transect sample plots 30 in the farmland and 30 in the Shrubland habitats were observed in the study areas. A total of 34 insect pollinator species were identified. The most frequently recorded insect pollinator was Apis mellifera in Shrubland (60.4%) and farmland (67.3%). Insect diversity of the Shrubland was higher (H’=1.72) than farmland (H’=1.514). Similarly, evenness was higher in the Shrubland (J’=0.5485) as compared to farmland (J’=0.4974) which is somehow even distribution in both habitats. To understand the most visited plants by insect pollinators 40 wild plants and 4 crop species were identified. Among the sampled plants Crassocephalum macropappurn was the most frequently visited plant by different insect pollinators while Guizotia abyssinica was the most frequently visited among the sampled crops. The study has shown occurrence of diverse insect pollinators and plant species visited by insect pollinators as function of ecosystem services in the area.
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insect pollinators,ethiopia,amhara region,gozamin district
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