Investigation of Sexual Dysfunction in Premenopausal Women with Urinary Incontinence


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Objective: In this study, "Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD)" was investigated in women who applied to our urology outpatient clinics who suffered from urinary incontinence (UI) and healthy women who did not nave UI to evaluate the effect of UI and incontinence types on Female Sexual Functions (FSF). Methods: A total of 220 female patients who applied to urology and incontinence outpatient clinics between October-December 2016 were included in the study. Of these 220 female cases, 110 of them were patients without complaints of UI. In patients with complaints of UI, type of UI nas been identified "female sexual function Index (FSFI)" test was used to determine FSF status in all cases. Results: The rate of KCD was found to be 60% (n-66) in tie UI group and 36.4% (n=40) in the control group. Tie rate of FSD was significantly nigher in tie UI group (p square 0.05). When the FSFI scores were evaluated, FSFI desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction scores were significantly lower in the UI group than those in tie control group (p square 0.05). Wien urge, stress, mixed incontinence groups were evaluated, there were no significant differences between FSFI scores and sexual dysfunction status (p square 0.05). Conclusion: In our study, we found that UI is one of tie factors that increase incidence of sexual dysfunction. Therefore, we tnin< that the cases with UI complaints should be evaluated in terms of FSD. In addition, when we looked at UI types separately to evaluate tie effects of UI on sexual dysfunction, we found that tiere was no significant difference between them in terms of influencing sexuality.
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Key words
Urinary incontinence,female sexual dysfunction,premenopausal,urogynecology
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