Delineating the clinical spectrum due to heterozygous TRAF7 missense mutations: A series of 38 cases

J Amiel,K Mishra,L Castilla, KK Selmer,T Barak,S Yang, B Blanco-Sanchez, M Reijnders,G Houge,H Cox, H Kingston, J Clayton-Smith,JW Innis,W Chung, V Sanders,A Vitobello,C Thauvin, G Lesca, M Kerstjens-Frederikse, K Christensen, R Gannaway,A Lehman, L Graul-Neumann, C Zweier,D Lessel,B Lozic,R Peretz,J Meira,B Schaefer,EM Beaver, LC Briere,DL Earl,VM Siu, K Kosaki,M Gambello, D Karlowicz,TY Tan,S White,A Slavotinek,D Barbouth, V Pingault, A Munnich,S Balcells, V Cormier-Daire,M Cho,D Grinberg, S Lyonnet,M Gunel,R Urreizti,CT Gordon


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heterozygous traf7 missense mutations,clinical spectrum
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