VOC Monitoring and Ozone Generation Potential Analysis Based on a Single-Photon Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer


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The single-photon ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer (SPI-TOFMS), which has high sensitivity, high accuracy, and a short response time, is effective for the real-time monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In this study, the theory and structural composition of the SPI-TOFMS are described. Its detection limit can reach parts per billion by volume (ppbv), the dynamic range is better than three orders of magnitude, and the response speed can reach milliseconds. The distribution of VOCs and the ozone generation contribution rate in the Hefei Economic Development Zone are analyzed using this instrument with a vehicle platform for online navigation detection. The experimental results showed that aromatics were the primary components of the total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), and aromatics and alkenes contributed more to ozone formation in an industrial manufacturing area. This research indicates that the SPI-TOFMS can rapidly and accurately conduct online monitoring of VOCs in industrial development zones. In addition, it has been applied in the fields of atmospheric composition observation, environmental monitoring, and industrial VOC leakage monitoring.
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Key words
VOCs,time-of-flight mass spectrometer,single-photon ionization,navigation monitoring,ozone
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