Programmable Spiral And Helical Deformation Behaviors Of Hydrogel-Based Bi-Material Beam Structures


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Soft materials possess magnificent properties which could be harnessed for different potential applications. Compared to other soft materials, hydrogels have some unique advantages which can be used in the shape deformation or shape transformation of structures. This paper aims to investigate the deformation mechanisms of hydrogel-based bi-material beam structures and study the non-uniform geometric effects on the shape transformation including programmable scroll and helical deformations. With a sloped thickness design, the structures could be transformed from an initial quasi-2D beam configuration into some other 2D self-scroll and 3D self-helical configurations. From the hydrogel material model, a modified deformation formula for bi-material beam structures based on the framework of the classical beam theory has been developed to predict the shape morphing behaviors. The relationship between the curvature and the mismatch strain is derived in its explicit form and the theoretical results are verified through several numerical simulations. Furthermore, experiments are carried out to demonstrate the design principles for reconfigurable bi-material beam structures and the experiments show that the structures tend to deform similarly to that predicted by the analytical models. The presented work could provide guidance for future applications of responsive hydrogel-based bi-material beam structures such as in soft actuators and soft robots.
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Key words
Bi-material structure, hydrogel, morphing, shape transformation
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