Can energy savings certificates help in boiler scrappage programs? Exploring the market agencing of a detachment policy


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Decreasing our use of energy resources constitutes a major detachment challenge for contemporary society. This article investigates the involvement in this challenge of a recent public policy instrument, the Energy Savings Certificates (ESC) system. It focuses on a particular application in the impledementation of boiler scrappage schemes, through which consumers are invited to replace an old heating appliance with a new, more virtuous one in exchange for a premium paid by the State. 3 scrappage programs conducted in France between 2011 and 2017 are examined. Using the perspective of market agencing, the article sheds light on the entanglement of scrappage programs and ESC infrastructure and on the specific role of the State in this public policy context.
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Detachment,energy savings certificates,heating,sociology of energy,public policy,market studies
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