The Analysis of Changes of American Youth Value in the Hippie Movement by Psychoanalysis

Cross-cultural Communication(2020)

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The Hippie movement is a large-scale youth movement against traditional culture in American society in the 1960s, American youth in this movement oppose traditional cultural values by their unique ways, which has had a profound impact on American society, politics, culture. Young people try to subvert the mainstream culture of America through alternative methods such as drug revolution, rock and roll revolution, sexual revolution and so on. They call on the younger generation to express themselves and pursue freedom and justice. Although the rebellion was a flash in American history, its impact still remains. This thesis employs Freud’s personality structure of psychoanalysis (id, ego and superego) to analyze it. Based on Freud’s personality theory and the hippie movement, this paper elaborates on the personality structure of American youth in the twentieth century sixtieth and its changes, as well as the origin and their influence on themselves and American society.
hippie movement,american youth value
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