Improving the Classification of Digital Marketing Tools for the Industrial Goods Promotion in the Globalization Context

Research in World Economy(2020)

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In today's environment, the use of digital marketing tools is of great importance for domestic manufacturers, as it allows them to promote their products to the world markets quickly, with a relatively small cost, to provide target audience influence, to form and enhance their own image, as well as the image of their products, etc. The constant updating of the Digital Marketing tools and the disagreement among scientists regarding the systematization and classification of the objects of the digital environment need further consideration. The authors attempt to further develop the classification of digital marketing tools in the terms of identifiing new classification attribute "By type of mediation", which contributes to further systematization of digital tools, deepening understanding of the impact of various tools (direct, indirect), the degree of their specialization and economic interest, that makes possible their effective implementation at different entities. The comparative analysis of the main digital tools is being held resulting in defining their characteristics and the peculiarities of application. It is suggested to determine the importance factor of using each digital tool to promote industrial production by the method of pairwise comparison. It is proposed to consider the importance factor of using a particular digital tool when calculating the cost-effectiveness of using it.
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Key words
digital marketing tools,industrial goods promotion,globalization,classification
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