Mnemojitechnic: a teaching method for learning support applied to Electronics subject

2020 XIV Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching Conference (TAEE)(2020)

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Nowadays, digital presentations are one of the most used tools to complement classroom teaching. Although studies in the literature recommend the use of schematic and summarized presentations, there are educational fields, such as Electronics subjects, where it is necessary to provide a large number of diagrams and equations. This imply that, in those fields, very dense and long presentations are needed, which may be more difficult for students to assimilate and remember. As it is well known, mnemonics techniques help human memory to retain and retrieve abstract or impersonal information by associating it with elements of everyday life, which makes this information more accessible and meaningful, and therefore easier to remember. On this basis, the concept of “mnemojitechnic” is coined in this work, which proposes the use of emojis and memes in order to build mnemonic rules with the content of presentations. The proposed teaching methodology has been applied in the Electronics subject of the Mechanical Engineering degree at the University of Cádiz, obtaining significant improvements in evaluation results.
mnemonic,learning support,Electronics subject,teaching methodology
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