Several essential geological and geochemical issues regarding shale gas research in China

Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience(2020)

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Recently, shale gas research and industrial production in China have been significantly developed, which has enriched the theory of natural gas geology in China and increased the supply of domestic natural gas production. In the future, shale gas will obtain great achievements among the developments of the natural gas industry in China. The following four geological and geochemical issues about the exploration and research of shale gas have great significance: (1) China has to break through the single economic shale gas formation. The United States found at least thirty sets of economic shale gas formations in 29 basins. To date, only one basin in China (Sichuan Basin) has found one set of economic shale gas formation (Wufeng-Longmaxi formations). (2) In regards to the interval RO value of the economic shale gas formations and segment RO value of the gas fields, the interval RO values are 3.31% for the economic shale gas formation in China. However, it is 4.1% for that in the USA. The segment RO values are 2.34% for the gas fields in China and 3.5% for that in the USA. So the values are small in China, but big in the USA. Several shale gas fields derived from sapropelic sources in the United States were found in the oil generation window with RO = 1.0%–1.3%. Therefore, shale gas exploration in China also needs to pay attention to this stage. At the same time, attention should be paid to the exploration of shale gas derived from humic sources. (3) When it comes to the continuous high-yield period of the gas field, the world's first commercially developed shale gas field (Barnett) shows a high-yield forecast of 10 × 109 m3 per year for about twenty years. The development of the shale gas field in China is still in the construction stage. (4) In terms of the role of fracture in shale gas preservation and development, the fault has a dual effect on the enrichment of shale gas. In the United States, tectonic in the shale gas basin is stable, and faults are few, while structures in China in the shale gas basin are active, and faults are developed. Therefore, faults have more harm than good to the shale gas in China, which caused the fragmentation of the continuously distributed Wufeng-Longmaxi formations, limiting the area of the gas field.
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Key words
China,Shale gas,Economic shale gas formation,Exploration,Fracture,Geochemistry
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