Analysing the contribution of automotive remanufacturing to the circularity of materials

Procedia CIRP(2020)

Cited 8|Views12
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Abstract Remanufacturing can boost resource efficiency, circularity of raw materials and reduce environmental impacts. Material Flow Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment tools are integrated to assess the contribution of remanufacturing in reducing both consumption and impacts of primary resources for passenger cars. Results show that remanufacturing allows keeping within EU about 150,000 tonnes of materials, which is particularly relevant for Critical Raw Materials, such as rare-earth elements. Also, remanufacturing contributes in decreasing environmental impacts of vehicle\u0027s key components, as combustion engines (up to 79% of Global Warming Potential reduction). Further work will address data gaps and it will include current/innovative mobility.
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Remanufacturing,Automotive sector,Material flow analysis,Life cycle assessment,Critical raw materials
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