The Ethical Issues of Animal Testing in Cosmetics Industry

Yue Wang,Yuan Zhao, Fuhui Song

Humanities and social sciences(2020)

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Animal testing in the cosmetics industry have always been a controversial topic, which plays a vital role in the development and safety of cosmetics, but at the same time it seriously violates the survival rights of experimental animals. This study is a dialectical analysis of the business theme from two very different perspectives of thought: Utilitarian and Kantian. Utilitarianism advocates the pursuit of maximum happiness. Happiness involves not only those involved in the act but also everyone affected by it. Animals experimented in the cosmetics industry suffered great pain and did not get happiness, which means that the cosmetics industry goes against the morality of utilitarianism. Therefore, animal experiments conducted by the cosmetics industry are unethical. Kantian is very different from the utilitarianism in that Kantian believes that whatever the outcome, at least some actions are right or wrong. In this case, animal testing is justified in the cosmetics industry, mainly because it helps protect consumers of these products from the unknown consequences of their use. From a Kantian point of view, animal testing in the cosmetics industry is moral and beneficial. Based on the above two arguments, it is concluded that animal experiment is an indispensable link in the cosmetics industry. At the same time, relevant practitioners should respect the survival rights of experimental animals and conduct animal experiments with scientific and humane procedures to minimize the harm to experimental animals.
animal testing,ethical issues
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