Prolonged Infusion of Low Dose Gemcitabine in Advanced Pancreatic Carcinoma

Journal of Cancer Therapy(2020)

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Background: Gemcitabine was established as a monotherapy or in combination for\r\nlocally advanced or metastatic pancreatic carcinoma. Aim: This study\r\naimed to evaluate the efficacy of the low-dose gemcitabine over 6-hour infusion\r\nin patients with advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Methods: 26 patients\r\nwith locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic carcinoma were recruited into\r\nthe study from December 2013 to October 2014. Patients received the treatment\r\nin Clinical Oncology Department, Sohag University, and Medical Oncology\r\nDepartment, Assiut University. Patients received low-dose gemcitabine (250 mg/m2)\r\nover 6-hour infusion, weekly for seven weeks and then on days 1 and 8 every 3\r\nweeks till unacceptable toxicity or progression of the disease. Results: Twenty-six\r\npatients were enrolled in this study. After starting 7 weeks of treatment, the\r\ndisease control rate was 38.5% in the form of complete response in 3.8% of\r\npatients, partial response in 26.9%, and stationary\r\nresponse in 7.7%. However, disease progression occurred in 61.5%.\r\nProgression-free survivals were 65.38%, 23.07%, 7.69% and 3.84% after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, respectively. Also, overall survivals at\r\n3-month, 6-month, 9-month, and 12-month were 61.53%, 42.30%, 23.07%, and 7.69%, respectively. Conclusion: Prolonged infusion of low dose gemcitabine is a tolerable and a good option in\r\nlocally advanced or metastatic pancreatic carcinoma. There may be a benefit of\r\nthat protocol in patients with bad performance status. More clinical trials\r\nwith a combination of other cytotoxic agents or target therapy are needed to get better survival and lesser toxicity.
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Key words
low dose gemcitabine,advanced pancreatic carcinoma
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