Real-World Insights On Public Charging Demand And Infrastructure Use From Electric Vehicles


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The city of Berlin has significantly expanded public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. As a result of this investment, real-world charging data for the city of Berlin are available for the first time. In addition to other metrics, this dataset contains specific information about carsharing vehicles. This research letter offers numerous insights into public charging demand and infrastructure. The results are only now available due to a sufficient fleet size of electric vehicles. The analysis shows that the distribution of charging stations is very unequal in Berlin. The data also show that the infrastructure network is much denser in the city center. While there is an unequal distribution of infrastructure, we see that the utilization of infrastructure is relatively equal. This reflects unequal charging demand, as can be expected based on the location of the infrastructure. We also determine that the majority of public charging events come from free-floating carsharing vehicles. The analysis of infrastructure use shows that the edge of the city center has the highest rates of stations occupied by vehicles after completing charging. Carsharing users occupy infrastructure after charging significantly more than individual private and commercial users. However, if the pricing scheme allows, individual users also occupy infrastructure after completing charging. The research letter provides several policy recommendations for the build-up and operation of charging infrastructure. These focus on charging demand from individual users, infrastructure efficiency, and carsharing operators and their business models. The results are timely as decisions on public charging infrastructure must be made now to meet electric vehicle demand.
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electric vehicles, real-world data, charging demand, public charging infrastructure, carsharing
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