User Experience Evaluation of an e-Assessment System.

international conference on human-computer interaction(2020)

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In order to attain a good user experience in e-assessment systems, learners should be aware of how they are progressing in the courses and they should feel motivated and engaged. The goal of this paper is to propose an e-assessment system, that aims to increase the self-awareness of learners about the courses’ progress that they are taking, and also to improve the learner’s motivation and engagement. While designing the system, two major design challenges have been identified and addressed. The design challenges include, informing the learners about their progress and making the learners feel motivated to work harder and enhance their learning of the course contents and learning activities. The proposed system informs the learners about their progress and aims to keep them motivated by providing them with minimum grade predictions for the next learning activity they would perform, during the semester of an online course. The learners are also informed of their risk of failing the course throughout the semester. Also, to keep the learners motivated and engaged personalized suggestions are provided by the teachers to enhance the learning of the course. The user experience evaluation of LIS highlights that it has helped the learners to enhance their learning experiences.
E-assessment system, User experience design, User experience evaluation
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