Racerunning Training For 12 Weeks Improves Physical Fitness And Promotes Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy In Adolescents And Young Adults With Cerebral Palsy: 1221 Board #347 May 27 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise(2020)

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PURPOSE: Individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) typically lead sedentary lives, predisposing this patient group to metabolic dysfunction and cardiovascular disease. There are currently not many exercise options for individualswith severe disabilities. A novel addition is the RaceRunner, a tricycle propelled forward by stepping on the ground. The purpose of this study was to investigate training adaptations following a 12-week Racerunning training protocol in individuals with CP. METHODS: Fifteen adolescents/young adults (mean age 16, range 9-29, 8 males/7 females) with CP (GMFCS I-IV; 1-3-4-7) completed 12 weeks, 2 times per week, of RaceRunning training. Measurements of physical fitness (6-min RaceRunning test, average and maximum heart rate), passive range of motion (pROM) of hip, knee and ankle joints and skeletal muscle thickness in the thigh and lower leg were collected before and after the training period. RESULTS: Distance covered during the 6-min RaceRunning testincreased on average 36% (pre 576 ± 325 m vs. post 765 ± 428 m, p<0.001). Average and maximum heart rate during the 6-min RaceRunning test was not different pre vs. post training. Muscle thickness of m. gastrocnemius increased in response to training (p<0.05) on the more affected side. Dorsiflexion pROM in the more affected ankle decreased (p<0.05), while hip-flexion pROM in the the less affected side increased (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Twelve weeks of RaceRunning training improves physical fitness in individuals with CP. Moreover, RaceRunning stimulates skeletal muscle hypertrophy of the calf muscle. These results speak in favor of RaceRunning as a powerful and effective training modality in individuals with CP promoting both central and peripheral adaptations.
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Key words
physical fitness,promotes skeletal muscle hypertrophy,skeletal muscle
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