Welfare assessment of horse husbandries - Development, structure and consulting possibility based on the Weihenstephan's assessment system


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Animal welfare is not only of public concern when it comes to the keeping of farm animals, but also in the case of horse husbandries. Therefore an integral on farm welfare assessment system for both sport and leisure horse husbandries is currently under development at the Technical University Munich-Weihenstephan. The research project is continuously supported by an expert advisory board, which comprises representatives of important institutions of the horse sector. So far 335 potentially suitable animal based and resource-based indicators (single measured variable) were tested regarding the quality criteria validity, reliability and feasibility. For this purpose a total of 72 trials were carried out in 32 horse husbandries with 619 individually distinguished horses (N = 1,603 horses). Factors like seasonal influences as well as location were taken into consideration. The majority of selected animal based and resource-based (housing- and management-related) indicators proved sufficiently valid, reliable and feasible in order to assess animal welfare of all single and group housing systems for horses (BMEL, 2009). As a representative example for the process of selection the following study introduces 19 indicators that belong to the basic requirement "species appropriate behaviour" and "good health condition". The aim of the project is to establish a consulting tool on the market that can be used for a standardized deficiency analysis including optimization advice in the field. Thereby the housing conditions of horses could be improved Germany-wide.
animal welfare,horse husbandry,consulting tool,animal- and resource-based indicators
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