Correlation between sensorial analysis and color measurement.

C Derail, M Reveillere


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Colour measurement is becoming increasingly important in quality control in the food industry and the technology is making it simpler to perform. Commercialy, it is very important to measure this parameter. But today, the colour is appreciated by sensorial analysis by the bakers without a proper background and without reference to the parameters of the colours. We propose a method to measure the colour and to compare its parameters to the results of sensory analysis by the bakers. The results obtained allow us to propose a reliable experimental method of the measure of the colour. A good relation between the sensory analysis of the bakers and the results of the colour measurement has been found. One of the principal aim of this work is to control better the measure of the colour in order to use this parameter in the choice of the flour for a given application.
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Key words
colour,bread,flour,sensory analysis,colorimeter
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