Hand Cold Abscess By A Dematiaceous Fungus. First Report In Chile Of Pleurostomophora Richardsiae


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Dematiaceous fungi are a heterogeneous group of microorganisms able to synthesize melanin. Infections by this group that provoke tissular hyphae are called phaeohyphomycosis and usually involve skin and neighbor tissues. We present the case of a 86 years old men with a progressive soft cystic tumor in his right hand and wrist not associated to pain or inflammatory signs. A surgical intervention demonstrated flexor tenosynovitis with serous secretion, pseudocapsule and synovitis. Fungal culture demonstrated a dematiaceous fungi compatible with Pleumstomophora richardsiae that was confirmed by sequencing of the ITS region. Biopsy showed chronic inflammation with granuloma and hyphae. After surgical drainage, the patient was discharged without antifungal therapy but died of unrelated causes three month later. This is the first description of P. richardsiae as a cause of phaeohyphomycosis in Chile, a country with a template climate. Phaeohyphomycosis can be suspected when a chronic skin cystic lesion involves extremities without inflammatoty signs, sometimes with an associated fistula. It may affect immunocompetent or immunosuppressed patients. Treatment involves surgical excision with or without antifungal therapy and prognosis is favorable.
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Phaeohyphomycosis, tenosynovitis, granuloma, DNA sequencing analysis, ribosomal intergenic spacer
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