Development of New Services in Financial Entities in Northern Peru

Eduardo A. Sanchez, Jenny Sagastegui,Maria Inga

Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science(2015)

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The following article presents an analysis carried out on financial entities in which we investigate the degree of participation of a client before, during, and after, the release of a new service. This corresponds to the concerns of many companies, in knowing how important it is to consider the client as another member of the organization, and exercise this in the practice of developing new services (DNS). The results allow companies to have a design of a new service standard model, especially to those companies devoted to the provision of intangible assets or services. In particular, financial companies should follow this so that the proposed service becomes successful, and be especially able to respond with a high degree of quality, for which the client is looking. Finally, it will talk in detail about each one of the steps that comprise the model to follow, emphasizing the activities that a financial entity should not stop, in order to have a satisfied client and a great advantage, with regards to the competition.
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Key words
Development of New Services,financial system,service innovation,Peru
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