Switchable Polarization-Multiplexed Super-Oscillatory Metasurfaces For Achromatic Sub-Diffraction Focusing


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Super-oscillation phenomenon has attracted considerable interests due to its great ability of far-field super-resolution imaging. However, most super-oscillatory lenses were limited by chromatic aberration and single functionality, hence deeply restricting the flexibility of the super-oscillatory devices in practical applications. Here, an achromatic polarization-multiplexed super-oscillatory metasurface has been proposed to realize flexible light field modulations at different colors, i.e. 473 fun (blue), 532nm (green), and 632.8 tun (red). The super-oscillatory metasurface can achieve achromatic diffraction-limited focusing under x-polarized light illumination and achromatic sub-diffraction focusing under y-polarized light illumination. Furthermore, it can also realize multi-wavelength super-oscillatory achromatic focusing with different super-resolution abilities. The proposed method could simplify the super-resolution optical imaging system and is expected to have widespread applications in color imaging, microscopy, and machine vision. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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