Elliptic surfaces and arithmetic equidistribution for $\mathbb{R}$-divisors on curves


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Suppose $\mathcal{E} \to B$ is a non-isotrivial elliptic surface defined over a number field, for smooth projective curve $B$. Let $k$ denote the function field $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}(B)$ and $E$ the associated elliptic curve over $k$. In this article, we construct adelically metrized $\mathbb{R}$-divisors $\overline{D}_X$ on the base curve $B$ over a number field, for each $X \in E(k)\otimes \mathbb{R}$. We prove non-degeneracy of the Arakelov-Zhang intersection numbers $\overline{D}_X\cdot \overline{D}_Y$, as a biquadratic form on $E(k)\otimes \mathbb{R}$. As a consequence, we have the following Bogomolov-type statement for the N\'eron-Tate height functions on the fibers $E_t(\overline{\mathbb{Q}})$ of $\mathcal{E}$ over $t \in B(\overline{\mathbb{Q}})$: given points $P_1, \ldots, P_m \in E(k)$ with $m\geq 2$, there exist a non-repeating infinite sequence $t_n\in B(\overline{\mathbb{Q}})$ and small-height perturbations $P_{i,t_n}' \in E_{t_n}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}})$ of specializations $P_{i,t_n}$ so that the set $\{P_{1, t_n}', \ldots, P_{m,t_n}'\}$ satisfies at least two independent linear relations for all $n$, if and only if the points $P_1, \ldots, P_m$ are linearly dependent in $E(k)$. This gives a new proof of results of Masser and Zannier and of Barroero and Capuano and extends our earlier results. We also prove a general equidistribution theorem for adelically metrized $\mathbb{R}$-divisors on curves (over a number field), extending the equidistribution theorems of Chambert-Loir, Thuillier, and Yuan, and using results of Moriwaki.
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