
Thermal drug storage conditions in veterinary vehicles - a one-year field study in Austria


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Concerns that storage temperatures of drugs transported in veterinary practice vehicles may deviate from the range recommended in the summary of product characteristics have been raised. This study determined the actual temperatures in veterinary practice vehicles through every season of one year to identify risk factors and to give recommendations to avoid inadequate drug storage. Temperature data loggers were placed at several locations generally used for drug storage in ten practice vehicles operating in central and eastern areas of Austria. The temperatures were recorded for up to twelve months and the data were compared with the recommended drug storage conditions. The temperature was frequently outside the specified ranges of 2 degrees C-8 degrees C and 2 degrees C-25 degrees C. In the cooling devices of five vehicles, 14.4%-19.8% of all measurements exceeded the 8 degrees C threshold and maximum and minimum temperatures of 26.2 degrees C and -12.9 degrees C were recorded in cooling boxes. In the cooling devices of four of these vehicles, only 51.9% to 68.6% of the measurements fell between 2 degrees C and 8 degrees C. Nevertheless, in two of the cooling boxes the temperature remained within the appropriate range over 73.7% and 93.9% of the observation period, indicating that it is possible to maintain appropriate temperatures. For the uncooled storage sites in eight vehicles, maximum temperatures of 31.8 degrees C to 44.1 degrees C were recorded. Medicines transported in practice vehicles are frequently exposed to temperatures that do not comply with recommended storage conditions. There is an evident need to develop standard operating procedures for drug transportation in veterinary mobile pharmacies.
drug,transport,storage,temperature,thermal condition,veterinary practice vehicle
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