2-Chamber-Organismbypass - implementation of the pilot plants


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The 2-Chamber-Organismbypass is a technology, which enables fish migration around crossing barriers in a very simple, gentle and sustainable way. Due to the innovative design a reduction of the leading water flow and a use of the water flow for generating electrical energy are possible. In 2018/2019 the first two pilot plants of the 2-Chamber-Organismbypass were installed at the river Alm and Aschacharm and fish monitoring were implemented. The results are promising. In total a few hundred fishes from more than 20 species used the pilot plants for their migration. From a technical point of few both systems operate reliable and assumptions like the automatic cleaning effect of the fine screens could be confirmed. Due to the compact design and prefabrication a quick and simple installation was possible. It is planned to distribute the technology in four standardized sizes from 2020.
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