Enzootic Hepatic Capillariasis (Calodium Hepaticum) In Street Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) From Marseille City, France


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Hepatic capillariasis is a rare and neglected zoonosis affecting wild and synanthropic small rodents. It is caused by infection with Calodium hepaticum in liver. Despite the worldwide distribution of the host Rattus norvegicus (brown or street rats) in the urban area, the epidemiological status of this parasitosis remains unknown. In the present study, we examined a total of 27 brown rats from the city centre and a garden (four km from the city centre) of Marseille, France. All rats were autopsied and 52% showed the presence of C. hepaticum eggs in the liver. This result draws general attention to public health risks, since street rats are living near the human population.
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Calodium hepaticum, Rattus norvegicus, rodent, hepatic capillariasis, zoonosis, France
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