Electro-optically tunable laser with ultra-low tuning power dissipation and nanosecond-order wavelength switching for coherent networks


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The huge amount of data traffic behind the rapid growth of cloud computing is putting pressure on the operation of mobile fronthauls and data center networks so there is a need to improve their power consumption and latency. We developed an electro-optically tunable laser diode employing a tunable filter that is practically tuned even with small refractive index change of the electro-optic effect. The laser shows a small tun-ing power dissipation of less than 10 mW for a practical tuning range of over 35 nm with a linewidth of about 350 kHz. We also achieved high-speed optical switching of less than 50 ns for 100 Gb/s coherent signals. In addition to its application in optical communications, the electro-optically tunable laser diode is also beneficial to laser sensing applications because its higher tuning speed increases the time resolution of the sensing system. Furthermore, a narrow linewidth, conventionally difficult to reconcile with high-speed tuning, can also enable a longer sensing distance and/or a higher signal-to-noise ratio when using coherent detection. Our result shows that we can use the electro-optic effect to overcome the limitations of con-ventional tunable laser diodes and drastically change optical communications and laser sensing systems. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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