Feasibility Studies for Development of Offshore Wind in India


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The increased environmental awareness, energy security and depletion of land based resources are driving the dependence on renewable energy technologies. Presently, the focus is to identify the alternative sources of energy like wind, solar, etc. A developing country like India is not able to meet the required energy demands through existing installed capacities. Offshore wind being pollution free would be an ideal solution to meet this increasing demand as Indian coast is blessed with significant winds. Commercial viability studies based on satellite data indicated significant potential along Tamil Nadu and Gujarat coast. Offshore lidar based data collection platform has been installed at Gulf of Khambhat to obtain bankable wind data. Similar structures are proposed for offshore wind measurement at Gulf of Kutch and Tamil Nadu coast. Suitable Sub-structure for Offshore wind turbine based on water depth, soil conditions were designed for various wind potential sites along Indian coast. The port facilities along Gujarat and Tamil Nadu coast were assessed and installation methodology for gravity based foundation was developed considering marine spread along Indian coast was developed. This paper highlights the activities taken up for offshore windfarm development in India.
Offshore Wind,India,Substructure,Installation
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