Case-based replanning of search missions using AUVs


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Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are increasingly being used to perform search operations but its capabilities are limited by the efficiency of the planning process. The objective of the paper is to propose new survey planning methods for AUVs. In particular, the problem of multi-objective search mission planning with an AUV navigating in known or unknown 3D environments is studied. The vehicle should completely cover the operating area while maximizing the probability of detecting the targets and minimizing the required energy and time to complete the mission. The approach presented here differs from other CFP methods in that paths for coverage are generated based on a coverage map that is actively maintained as the vehicle executed its mission. Our replanning approach borrows ideas from case-based reasoning (CBR) in which old problem and solution information helps solve a new problem. The resulting combination takes advantage of both paradigms where our evolutionary approach in conjunction with an artificial neural network (ANN), presented earlier, delivers robustness and adaptive learning while the case-based component speeds up the replanning process. The experiments show that the online algorithm was able to successfully replan missions in varied scenarios and guarantee full area coverage while minimizing resource consumption.
AUVs,coverage map,evolutionary approach,autonomous underwater vehicles,case-based replanning,survey planning methods,multiobjective search mission planning,case-based reasoning,artificial neural network,adaptive learning
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