Mechanism for sodium retention by insulin plus glucose in diabetes may involve renal epithelial sodium channels (ENaC)


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This study tested the role of epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) in the sodium‐retaining effect of insulin we have reported in diabetic dogs. Alloxan‐treated dogs (n=3) were maintained normoglycemic using i.v. insulin replacement. Following control, insulin replacement was stopped to begin an 8‐day diabetic period. In 2 dogs, insulin was infused 24 hr/day into the renal artery (ir.) during diabetes. Consistent with our previous results, diabetes caused sustained natriuresis in the control diabetic dog, with UNaV equaling 93 mEq/day on day 6 of diabetes vs. an average of only 52 mEq/day in the 2 diabetic dogs with ir. insulin. Amiloride (iv.) was administered in all dogs on diabetes days 7 and 8 and raised UNaV in both groups to similar levels (165 and 132 mEq/day in control and i.r. insulin dogs, respectively). In a second experiment, diabetes was induced again in all dogs, but amiloride was given during the first 2 days of diabetes. In the control diabetic dog, UNaV increased from 67 mEq/day to 199 and 111 mEq/day on days 1 and 2 of diabetes, respectively. In the 2 dogs with ir. insulin infusion, UNaV increased similarly, from an average of 70 mEq/day to 216 and 86 mEq/day on days 1 and 2 of diabetes. The elimination of the difference in diabetes‐induced natriuresis in control vs. ir. insulin‐infused dogs by amiloride suggests that ENaC contributes significantly to the sodium retaining action of insulin+glucose in diabetes.
renal epithelial sodium channels,sodium retention,diabetes,insulin+glucose
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