Circadian Pattern Of Ion Channel Gene Expression In Failing Human Hearts


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Background:Ventricular tachyarrhythmias and sudden cardiac death show a circadian pattern of occurrence in patients with heart failure. In the rodent ventricle, a significant portion of genes, including some ion channels, shows a circadian pattern of expression. However, genes that define electrophysiological properties in failing human heart ventricles have not been examined for a circadian expression pattern.Methods:Ventricular tissue samples were collected from patients at the time of cardiac transplantation. Two sets of samples (n=37 and 46, one set with a greater arrhythmic history) were selected to generate pseudo-time series according to their collection time. A third set (n=27) of samples was acquired from the nonfailing ventricles of brain-dead donors. The expression of 5 known circadian clock genes and 19 additional ion channel genes plausibly important to electrophysiological properties were analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction and then analyzed for the percentage of expression variation attributed to a 24-hour circadian pattern.Results:The 5 known circadian clock gene transcripts showed a strong circadian expression pattern. Compared with rodent hearts, the human circadian clock gene transcripts showed a similar temporal order of acrophases but with a approximate to 7.6 hours phase shift. Five of the ion channel genes also showed strong circadian expression. Comparable studies of circadian clock gene expression in samples recovered from nonheart failure brain-dead donors showed acrophase shifts, or weak or complete loss of circadian rhythmicity, suggesting alterations in circadian gene expression.Conclusions:Ventricular tissue from failing human hearts display a circadian pattern of circadian clock gene expression but phase-shifted relative to rodent hearts. At least 5 ion channels show a circadian expression pattern in the ventricles of failing human hearts, which may underlie a circadian pattern of ventricular tachyarrhythmia/sudden cardiac death. Nonfailing hearts from brain-dead donors show marked differences in circadian clock gene expression patterns, suggesting fundamental deviations from circadian expression.
circadian rhythm, gene expression, heart failure, humans, ion channels
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