Fermi level engineering in Mn$_2$Ru$_x$Ga thin films by the variation of Mn and Ru content

K. E. Siewierska, G. Atcheson,A. Jha, K. Esien,R. Smith, S. Lenne,N. Teichert, J. O'Brien,J. M. D. Coey,P. Stamenov,K. Rode


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Variation of Mn content in Mn$_2$Ru$_x$Ga thin films influences chemical disorder and crystal structure, which strongly influence material properties. Mn$_y$Ru$_x$Ga thin films with $1.2 < y < 2.6$ for $x$ = 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering onto MgO (100) to investigate the influence of composition on magnetic order, magneto-transport and spin polarisation. Variation of Mn content was found to manipulate the population of Mn$^{4c}$ sites. The z-projection of the Mn$^{4c}$ sublattice moment was found to be 2.0 $\mu_B$ per unit cell. Molecular mean field theory model was used to fit thermal net magnetisation data and extract Weiss coefficients and Heisenberg exchange energies. Comparison of anomalous Hall effect and SQUID magnetometry loops suggest canting of the net moment relative to the anisotropy axis in zero field. The origin of the canting is hypothesised to be due to non-collinearity of the Mn$^{4c}$ sublattice moments, via a competing exchange mechanism between negative nearest and positive next-nearest intra-sublattice interactions. Addition of Mn onto the $4c$ site raises the sublattice magnetisation and enhances the efficiency of spin-orbit scattering hence increasing the anomalous Hall angle up to 2~\%. For films with $x=0.5$, the Hall angle varies linearly with spin polarisation and does not vary strongly with Mn content.
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