Stroke Type, Etiology, Clinical Features And Prognosis Of Diabetic Patients In Southern China


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To analyze the type, etiology, clinical features and prognosis of stroke in southern China diabetic patients. From January to August 2019, acute stroke patients were prospectively enrolled in the Wenzhou Stroke Registry within 7 days of admission to the Hospital. The differences between the 2 groups of stroke patients with or without diabetes were in the following aspects: bleeding site of hemorrhagic stroke, different ischemic stroke etiology, Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project (OCSP) classification, death and disability within 3 months. Of the 497 patients enrolled, 104 (20.9%) were diabetic patients. 114(22.9%) patients had hemorrhagic stroke. The incidence of hemorrhagic stroke in the diabetic group was 10.6%, deep hemorrhage stroke account for 90.9%.In patients with ischemic stroke, the proportions of the new Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment (TOAST) etiological subtype classifications (atherothrombosis (AT), cardioembolism (CE), small artery disease (SAD), stroke of other determined etiology (SOD) and stroke of undetermined etiology (SUD)) in the diabetic (non-diabetic) group was 43% (31%), 7.5% (14.1%), 27.9% (16.9%), 1% (0.3%), and 20.4% (37.6%), respectively; the proportion of The OCSP classifications(total anterior circulation infarcts(TACI), partial anterior circulation infarcts(PACI), lacunar infarcts(LACI) and posterior circulation infarcts(POCI)) in the diabetic (non-diabetic) group was16.1% (22%), 30.1%(37.2%), 42% (31.4%), and 10.8% (9%), respectively. The 3-month poor prognosis of the diabetic and non-diabetic groups was 23.1% and 28.2%. For diabetic patients, the incidence of hemorrhagic stroke is low, deep hemorrhage is common; SAD and LACI are common in the ischemic stroke; There was no significant difference in the 3-month prognosis between the 2 groups.
stroke, diabetes complications, clinical features, prognosis
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