The Gut Commensal Bacteroides Vulgatus Mpk Reduces Candida Albicans Pathogenicity Towards Epithelial Cells

M. J. Niemiec, M. Hammer, I. Auge, P. Van Leeuwen, F. Gorki, A. Walker, A. Steimle,J. S. Frick, I. D. Jacobsen


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The human body is colonized by various microbes, among them the yeast Candida albicans. Mostly harmless, this opportunist causes also disease, ranging from superficial infections to sepsis. Risk factors are disturbed host defenses, mucosal barrier breakdown, and antibiotic-induced dysbiosis. Hence, residing bacteria are important to protect from Candida-mediated damage or inflammation. Bacteroides vulgatus mpk, e.g., is described as positively immunomodulatory in mouse models of inflammatory bowel disease, but its effect on the mycobiota is unknown. In this study we aimed to determine if B. vulgatus mpk affects C. albicans pathogenicity. Therefore, intestinal and oral epithelial cellswere pre-infectedin vitrowith B. vulgatus mpk and then challenged with C. albicans SC5314. The role of soluble factors was investigated by spatial separation or use of Bacteroides-conditioned medium (BCM). Preincubation of host cells with B. vulgatus mpk strongly reduced C. albicans-mediated damage while fungal burden and hyphal length were unaffected by the bacterium. The protective effect did not depend on direct contact of Bacteroidesto host cellsor Candida and could be mimicked using BCM. Contact independency suggests that diffusible factors modulate host cell susceptibility. Ongoing experiments aim to identifykey soluble Bacteroides mediators as well as subsequent host cell signaling. Additionally, co-colonization experiments of germ-free mice are planned to investigate B. vulgatus mpk’s potential to mediate colonization resistance towards C. albicans. This will contribute to our understanding of how commensal bacteria affect C. albicans and host protection.
candida,epithelial cells,pathogenicity
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