Herpetofauna inventory of the small islands of the Cres-Losinj Archipelago (North Adriatic Sea, Croatia)

Tamas Toth,Miklos Heltai, Andrea Keszi, Goran Susic, Levente Moharos,Balazs Farkas, Csaba Geczy,Orsolya Torda,Janos Gal


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The present review of the herpetofauna of the small islands of the Cres-Losinj Archipelago (Croatia) is based on literature data and observations made by the authors in 2011 to 2014. The 16 islets and islands ranging in size between 0.05 km(2) (Zabodaski) and 16.92 km(2) (Unije) are all inhabited by at least one species of wall lizard of the genus Podarcis. The islands Koludarc, Unije and Veli Osir harbor Podarcis melisellensis fiumana (WERNER, 1891), while Kormat, Male Srakane, Mali Plavnik, Oruda, Palacol, Unije, Vele Srakane, Visoki and Zabodaski hold populations of Podarcis siculus campestris (RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, 1810). Both taxa are present on Plavnik, Susak and Zeca. Caretta caretta (LINNAEus, 1758), is reported for the first time from the islands of Oruda and Unije, and Hierophis viridavus carbonarius (BONAPARTE, 1833) from Susak and Unije.
Amphibia: Bufotes viridis,Reptilia: Caretta caretta,Emys orbicularis,Testudo hermanni,Hemidactylus turcicus,Podarcis melisellensis,Podarcis siculus,Pseudopus apodus,Hierophis gemonensis,Hierophis viridiflavus,Telescopus fallax,herpetofauna,islands of the Cres-Losinj Archipelago (Koludarc, Kormat, Male Srakane, Mali, Osir, Mali Plavnik, Murtar, Oruda, Palacol, Plavnik, Susak, Unije, Vele Srakane, Veli Osir, Visoki, Zabodaski, Zeca),Adriatic Sea,Croatia
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