Gene expression profile involved in signaling and apoptosis of osteoblasts in contact with cellulose/MWCNTs scaffolds.

Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications(2020)

Cited 2|Views7
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The aim of this work was to evaluate the expression profile of genes involved in signaling, intracellular and extracellular Ca+2 concentration and apoptosis pathways of osteoblasts in contact with a scaffold made of a composite of BCN/MWCNTs. Osteoblasts were cultivated on BCN, MWCNTs and their mixtures. Osteoblast RNA was extracted for sintering cDNA to amplify genes of interest by PCR; intra- and extracellular calcium (Ca2+) was also quantified. Regarding the genes that participate in the regulation paths (MAPK and NF-KB), it was found that only the expression of NF-KB was affected in all treatments. The expression of VEGFA increased, except in the treatment of high concentration of MWCNTs, where remained unchanged. The expression of genes Apaf-1 and Bcl-2/Bax and TP53 increased as compared to the control (except for TP53 in BC and C1/MWCNTs) indicating that cells are responding to the presence of BCN-MWCNTs composites scaffolds. The results suggest that osteoblast developed a modification in the expression profile of genes that actively participate in cellular processes such as proliferation, vasculogenesis and apoptosis, which may be modulated by the increase of intra- and extracellular Ca2+ concentration.
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