The History of the M31 Disk from Resolved Stellar Populations as Seen by PHAT

Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series(2014)

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The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT) is an HST multi cycle treasury program that is mapping the resolved stellar populations of similar to 1/3 of M31 from the UV through the near-IR. These data provide color and luminosity information for more than 150 million stars in the M31 disk. We use stellar evolution models to fit the luminous main sequence to derive spatially-resolved recent star formation histories (SFHs) over large areas of M31 with 50-100 pc resolution. These include individual star-forming regions as well as quiescent portions of the disk. We use the gridded SFHs to create movies of star formation activity to study the evolution of individual star-forming events across the disk. Outside of the star-forming regions, we use our resolved stellar photometry to derive the full SFHs of larger regions. These allow us to probe spatial and temporal trends in age and metallicity across a large radial baseline, providing constraints on the global formation and evolution of the disk over a Hubble time. M31 is the only large disk galaxy that is close enough to obtain the photometry necessary for this type of spatially-resolved SFH mapping.
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