Geophysical Survey and Archaeological Excavations in the Neolithic and Bronze-Age Settlement of La Dou (Girona, Spain) A combined Approach to a New Site


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This paper presents the results of the investigations carried out from 2009 to 2013 in the multi-period archaeological site of La Dou (Sant Esteve d'en Bas, Girona, Catalonia). he authors expose the strategy applied to create the surveys and results of the excavations conducted to verify and date the detected features. he site was discovered in 2005 in a rescue excavation due to the building of a road, revealing a group of firing pits and other stratigraphic remains of a rare Neolithic, open-air settlement, dated from the 5th millennium BC. In 2009, a team of archaeologists from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) created a project to expand the investigations to the cultivation fields surrounding the first findings. A magnetic survey was used to locate new archaeological remains and delimit the possible extents of the site. he results revealed a complex magnetic map that included several groups of anomalies interpreted as possible archaeological remains in an area of circa 2.4 ha. he attention of the team was then focused on a possible ditch detected in the survey and that was partially excavated. he excavation results and the C14 analysis expanded the chronology of the site until the Bronze Age, revealing an uncommon settlement that is still the object of investigations.
Neolithic,Magnetometry,Ground-Penetrating Radar,Bronze-Age ditch,GIS,geophysical survey methodology,Garrotxa Volcanic Area
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