Effective photo- and cathodoluminescence from alpha-MoO3:Eu3+ films obtained through the pyrosol method


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MoO3 and MoO3 :Eu3+ films were synthesized by the pyrosol method. X-ray diffraction diffractograms, acquired as a function of the deposition temperature, indicated the orthorhombic crystalline structure for all studied MoO3 films. Photoluminescence (PL) and cathodoluminescence (CL) characteristics of these films were measured as a function of deposition parameters, such as the substrate temperature and the doping content (Eu3+ ions). As the deposition temperature was increased, an increase in the intensity of the PL and CL emissions was observed. Also, a quenching of the PL and CL, as a function of the doping content, was observed. Quantum efficiency measurements showed an average value as high as 54% and a pure red color was perceived. The elemental composition of the films as determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is reported as well. Additionally, the surface morphology features of the films, as a function of the deposition temperature (by means of scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy measurements) are exhibited. Moreover, Raman spectroscopy and decay time measurements were performed on some MoO3 :Eu3+ samples. (C) 2019 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
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Key words
intense luminescence,films,red color purity,high quantum efficiency,pyrosol method
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