Clustering and switching in Verbal fluency task: Adaptation of the procedure to the Czech language, and judging its relevance

Monika Vichova, Monika Dokoupilova,Jan Chromy,Tomas Urbanek,Tomas Nikolai


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The main goal of this study was to introduce the evaluation procedure in Verbal fluency task - clustering and switching - to the Czech public, to adapt this procedure to the Czech language and to judge its relevance. The review focuses on the way of arranging the words into the clusters (so-called clustering) and switching between them. This procedure is extended in foreign research but it has not yet been systematically adapted in the Czech context. In the article the theoretical background of clustering and switching in phonological verbal fluency (PVF) and also in semantic verbal fluency (SW) is introduced and few classifications of clustering are described - e.g. Troyer et al. (1997), Abwender et al. (2001), Libon et al. (2009) and Tallberg et al. (2011). In Study 1, the most cited classification by Troyer et al. (1997) is adapted to the Czech language and the differences between the original version and Czech adaptation are discussed. In Study 2, ten protocols were rated by two raters and the inter-rater reliability was calculated. The value of Cohen's kappa showed moderate to excellent agreement. This approach is very promising but it requires further research.
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Key words
verbal fluency,clustering,switching,adaptation,inter-rater reliability
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